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Eighteen Sound sale completed


Florence, Italy - B&C Speakers SpA is pleased to announce that the purchase of the premium quality transducer manufacturer, Eighteen Sound, was completed on Monday December 11,2017. 

"We are proud to add Eighteen Sound and Ciare to our group, and we look forward to offering both brands access to more resources. We can now blend our knowledge in manufacturing and development, helping to offer an improved product range, build quality and overall customer experience.", says B&C CEO Lorenzo Coppini.

Ron Tizzard, Director of Sales for B&C added "These are two great brands that each have a strong culture and legacy that we hope to build on. Both Eighteen Sound and Ciare already have many dedicated OEM customers, and a well developed distribution network that will require few changes."


The B&C, Eighteen Sound and Ciare brands will be presented together for the first time at the upcoming NAMM Show, happening in Anaheim, California from January 25-28, 2017.

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